Sunday, September 20, 2009

Spilling my law school related guts

Reader be warned. This is a more emotional post that I usually post.

Lately I've been trying (really trying, and yet to succeed) in trying to find my place in law school. The reason I phrase it this way is because I am starting to learn a very important lesson about law school- it is eerily similar to high school. It is somewhat clique-y and intimidating. At least in high school I could rely on the fact that I knew I was smart. Now, I don't have that. Now I am constantly second guessing myself. The one little bit I am telling myself over and over again is this- stop worrying.


  1. I find it deeply satisfying not to feel the pressure of being the smartest person around any more. And as far as I’m concerned, you can be in my ‘clique’ — not that I have one — because I’m always looking for smart people to hang around and chat with.

  2. Thanks! I guess that all stemmed from being in the library so often, I was starved for talking to people, and I just constantly hear about people who nonchalantly just outlined torts/ contracts/ and finished LRWA as if it was no problem.

    Personally though, I was so socially awkward in HS, the smart thing was my fall back, like a safety zone. I guess I'd need to step out of my safety zone.
