Thursday, October 8, 2009

Course Supplements

When I was just beginning law school (as in last month), all I heard people talk about were which supplements they bought or which ones the upperclassmen recommended. So my thoughts at first were "maybe I should get some" then it because "hell, I understand this, I'm fine" which then reverted back to "well, I should get supplements or else I am going to horribly fail." I've since calmed down (a little), but still I've gone through some supplements and here are a few reviews:

  • Gilbert's Contracts CDs- I've checked these out from the library, ripped them to my computer, and listen to them as I walk to and from school everyday (ok, sometimes I just listen to music too). It is an extremely basic overview, but it is great because Epstein (the lecturer from SMU) will say "you are likely to see a fact pattern such as ... ." This is definitely something to allow you to become familiar with terms.
  • Examples and Explanations- I've used both the torts and the contracts one. Contracts works great. I love it. Because of this I now understand the mailbox rule. Torts had to grow on me, especially since the first thing I looked for wasn't even in there (conversion). Still, I've heard from people who have taken my professor that this is a good supplement to read.
  • Hornbooks- even though they are old as sin, I think they're extremely worthwhile in getting a quick overview on a topic.

Also, I don't recommend buy supplements. They are expensive and can probably be found at your library. Our library has a few behind the reserve desk, so I've never had a problem getting one.

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