Monday, August 17, 2009

The First Assignments

So today I really dove into my first set of assignments. I call a mulligan on last week's work on Contracts. (Even though I don't play golf, I still reserve the right to use the work "mulligan" at will.) My approach to law school is that I am treating it like a job, and unlike my last job, I am treating it like one I like and want to excel at. So in light of that, I woke up at 8AM this morning, hit the gym, and then the books.

This round of studying seemed less daunting. I was actually able to read and understand what I was doing. I also didn't feel like I was just copying the textbook. I am not exactly sure what happened, but I think it might have just been the setting. In the library I don't get distracted. The library makes me pretend that I am a good student, and it seems like law school is all about pretending (Moot Court, mock interviews, etc. etc.).

I do feel the need to keep quiet about my studies though. I won't be divulging how long I was at the library today. On my Facebook, I posted my study location, but in retrospect, it makes me look like a giant tool. So what if I am in the library on the second floor at 11:34AM? It is all about quality, not quantity. It is also about not being an asshole when it comes to studying. Is telling people you are studying some sort of intimidation tactic? We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. I think its helpful to post where and when you're studying, especially if you want to encourage your classmates to come and study with you. Also, there may be some positive externalities by advertising your study habits in that it might not help you study better, but it may encourage others to be more committed to studying.
