Monday, September 7, 2009

Research Points!

So one of the coolest things to come out of law school (ok, the whole concept of me going to law school is pretty damn cool) is that my research is meaningful. It is meaningful in the "I am looking up stuff to help change the world" kind of way. It is also meaningful in the "I can win a Wii" sort of way. Both Lexis Nexis and Westlaw, which are research databased for law school, let you earn points by looking up cases.

Getting LexisPoints:
  • Earn 15 points per day for looking up cases (30 in September)
  • Earn 100-500 points for online training. Must complete a quiz at the end of each training. Takes about 20 minutes per training.
  • It takes a little while for research points to post.

Getting Westlaw Points:

  • Each 10 per day for looking up cases
  • 500 for the "Attorney Journey" series of tutorials. A set of four tutorials.

For both Lexis and Westlaw, it takes 23,000 points to get a Wii. On Lexis I have 1000 points (plus the research points that have posted.) On Westlaw I have 390 points. I just began this quest for points the other day though, so it isn't like I am totally behind. I am totally excited!


  1. Thanks for this post. Did you have any problem completing the attny journey training excercise about "Going Green?" What did you need to do to get that one to show up as completed?

  2. You're welcome Mr./ Ms. Anonymous.

    I actually did have trouble completing the "Going Green" excercise. I'll give it another shot on Friday and let you know how it went.

    PS, How did you find out about my blog? Is there buzz going around?
